Haiya, I'm here to update my blog again.
Woah I'm surprise for how committed I am to this blog again. Feel happy for I've not abandoned it, but feel guilty for my study. Degree life has been so much fun and I love my life now more than becoming a stupid nerd burying herself in the books. Not that I don't like to study, I just don't like to get myself reading because of the exam. I'm somehow not a genius, and I love reading during the free time, when there's no stress. So trust me, I'm not spoilt lol.
Okay, I'm coming to this new restaurant opened few weeks ago, and I've been late to visit them because I'm so into McDonald (idiot). hahaha.
The restaurant named Muffin Coffee House. It's placed somewhere near to Snoughurt (owh I've gotta update about this too!) and Pizza Hut in Pantai Timur. I'm glad that my place has turned more civilized in a few years. I don't know I can be this happy in Kelantan before, and now I can accept where I am placed to be.
Life is Beautiful. ;)
So here I'm going to show you some pictures taken. We went there earlier so there's only few people until later, so I'd feel comfortable to get more pictures. ;)
Their menu. They only offer some main course cause it's suppose to be a coffee house, but I ordered spaghetti cause I'm starving. ><
They have these cute little black board for their so that they can change if their menu changed.
Clever! ^^
Muffin Price.
They offer several flavour of muffin, which is suppose to be their key point.
Another great piece of work, did you notice that?
I was shocked my the decoration on the wall, cause it's not only pretty, but it's HANDMADE!
Of course the quality wouldn't be as good as the product sold in the market, but I appreciate the hard work.
You guy should see it clearer! @.@
Cappuccino was nicely brewed. I drank it without sugar and the taste was absolute.
Added a "smile" on it. :)
Banana toast.
It has a mild banana smell but the toast was a little too wet to be a good toast, but that's just my taste. hahaha.
The sauce was nicely done, but the noodles was a bit overcooked. Might due to the delay of time since I was so freaking busy capturing pictures and chit chatting with my friend.
Last but not least, their muffin. It was nice! <3

Okay, come back and I'm really satisfy with the date! Might visit them again with my other friend because it's definitely a good restaurant.
You guys should pay a visit there too!^^
Talk again. <3
Muffin Coffee House
PT 1080, Tingkat Bawah,
Jalan Bendahara, Pengakalan Chepa 16100
Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
Facebook: Muffin Coffee House
wifi available.
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