*Don't misunderstand me, it's the Italian's hello*
I just love to celebrate birthday, so this is another birthday post.
Supposed to update it long time ago but there're more other older even that I've not been able to update.
Anyway, 1 January 1994, My little lovely Nee Nee was born in this earth
to meet me and Wen xD
Okay I know I'm lame. :P
Hmm, thinking of what to wear...... >.<
So me and Jing Wen had planned this celebration A YEAR BEFORE.
*crazy and I know it*
but since it's baby Nee Nee's birthday, we are willing to do whatever for her pleasure. :)
The event was set at
Traudi Pizzeria Italian Pizzas Restaurant.
It's a lovely Malay-Italian Restaurant.
I called it Malay-Italian style because they have some Malaysia food/beverage here as well, and there's also a very cute Malay waitress there. :)
So I'll let the pictures do the talking, and hope you guy enjoy it!
For your information, the menu is hand made and hand written by the owner, an Italian hand writing. So it's a little hard to read the menu.
However, you can always ask the waiter or their staffs, they are very friendly :)
The expression of selecting food when I was too hungry xD
Nee Nee and Wen, My two precious.
(OMG I sounded like Gollum in the Lord of the Ring) xD
Starter: Pumpkin Soup. Taste of Milk and pumpkin, spiced with generous amount of salt makes it PERFECT.
Our Spaghetti (sorry I have forgotten what's the name already)

Hawaiian Pizza, super big and SOOOO DELICIOUSYYY.... *Yummy!*
Last but not least, Trio-pic of us.
*I know some of you forbid to take trio-pic but hey see, there's no problem here.*
We were, are, and will always be happy together. <3
So that's it!
You guy should check out the place it you're a western food lover like me
-- I'm sure I will not fail you :)
See you soon! ^^