Saturday, October 12, 2013

1980 and 9119 - The Unfinished Story In Kluang -

It's another unfinished business in Blogging.

As I have written in my previous post,
I wasn't in the right mood to update during my last month.

I wasn't going to explain or tell anybody what was going on
cause I think that's something I should keep it out from my blogging
EleanorDreamLand is a place where people dream and happy to read.
Not something emotional and sad.

So here will be a happy post about my happy moment in Kluang, Johor.
I went there last holiday to visit bbf baby Jing Wen as well as doing a short internship there.
So killing two birds at one stone uh? haha.

She brought me to the very numbered restaurants whose belongs to one family: the brother and the sister.
The sister owns 9119 restaurant downstairs while the brother owns 1980 restaurants upstairs.
Pretty Cool right?

So we went there one of the night during our internship week.
We were pretty busy but I have decided to put it aside to enjoy some relaxing moment.
My heart thougth: I have never been here so why not just give myself a break? :)

So here's some eye candies for the 9119 restaurant:
Theme: Vintage
More to classic and romantic style. 
Very suitable for just a tea break, not eating the right meal.

Their pretty menu.

This is what we ordered: the ice-cream Pancake. Pretty nice!

The snowflake-ish ice was mouth-absorbing! 
Once you put it into your mouth you find it melting in a speed light that you don't even have time to press the ice together (that's what I usually do when i am eating in ice-cream) ><

Baby Jing Wen and I.

 Alright get the time machine,
We are flying to 1980's! 
Hahah no la it's 1980 restaurant.

Rock and country!
Yeay that's my favourite! :)

Ok seriously due to lack of updating I kinda weak at writing now.
I need to improve.
But guys, remind you again if you haven't known,
I will not notify my blog update as frequent as i did last time from now on due to personal reason.
There're some people who get jealous or uneasy with me showing how beautiful my life is. :P

Well no worry I will still update my blog,
it's just I will not notify it at fb as those people trying to mess with me.

So Yea,

Enjoy your day! :)

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